Why Broadcast TV Works

Still the most memorable medium available to local advertisers because it encompasses all of our primary senses (Sight/Sound/Emotion), Broadcast Television continues to have huge reach among adults 35 and Older. Even more important: the medium’s lowest CPT (Cost Per Thousand: the cost to reach 1000 people) of all the major media available, including marketing on-line, to advertisers.

The Benefits Of Network Television Advertising

Broadcast TV remains the advertising vehicle that has the most reach, even more than internet usage. And while television viewing is not what it was 30 years ago, it has experienced far, far less erosion of audience than print and radio. So why does the media continue to work so well for local businesses? Because the combined use of sight, sound emotion and REACH is the best way to drive people to your “other” location: Your website.

And Pittsburgh and the Broadcast Television are “The Perfect Storm” because Pittsburgh has some of the highest HUT Ratings (Houses Using Television) in the country because of our older population. The Fact is that people over 35 watch way more local broadcast TV stations than people aged 12-34.